Giving work to Charities

I have submitted work to charity events since 1994 when Theo Waddington told me about the new RCA Secret Postcard Exhibition. I continued to submit work for that until 2021 when it stopped happening. Theo submitted a painting on my behalf to the British Friends of Art Museums of Israel Exhibition at Christies's in 1995. I joined the Chelsea Arts Club in 2012 and every year since then I have put in a piece under their themed charities show where members submit work to their auction. I have also submitted a great deal of work to the Oli Bennett Charitable Trust set up in memory of one of the victims of the Twin Towers Attack
There is give and take
I have found that going into the studio to produce this work has sometimes sparked a new fruitful direction in my creative life. So although I support the charities I am also taking myself forward as an artist. These kind of events also make my work accessible to a different audience who may not have been able to engage with it through the usual gallery channels